Wednesday, April 29, 2009

lamanya tidak ke sini!

hmmm sekarang saya akan menulis di sini tanpa ada sedikit perasaan bimbang pununtuk menjaga tatabahasa :) (Dr Tee tak baca lagi blog ni kan? hehehehe....)

tapi saya tidak mahu ia sepi bersawang-sawang. maka saya berazam mahu menulis tentang....

(drum roll please.......)


eheh. cliche bukan? mengapa ye saya fokus ke situ? kerana semasa dalam persediaan untuk menghadapi peperiksaan semester yang lalu, saya terjumpa how people learn (hpl) tu dalam beberapa artikel yang saya baca. hpl dalam multimedia, hpl dalam psikologi, hpl dalam animasi dan banyak lagi.

ketika itu saya seperti disuluh lampu picit ketika malam gelap tiada bulan purnama....

i should find out how exactly people learn. seriously. how people learn.

dan dari situ juga saya mahu develop tajuk projek paper saya: bagaimana mengatasi masalah buta huruf dengan bantuan multimedia
(hep!!!!! jangan tiru tajuk saya ha!!!!).

saya recall kembali bagaimana saya diajar oleh ibu bapa saya satu masa dulu. bagaimana saya boleh mengenal huruf-huruf jawi dan rumi. dan saya mahu menjadikan kenangan itu sebagai alat bantu mengatasi masalah buta huruf.

cita-cita besar bukan?


c h a i y o k c h a i y o k ! ! !

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

16 April (masih ada kelas)

kelas petang ni pembentangan untuk kumpulan yang belum mempersembahkan hasil kerja mereka. Saya dan Maryam presented our project as second group, after Kak Wan and Kak Mie.

Tak tahu kenapa tapi saya agak dumbfounded, kedu dan hilang kata-kata masa nak mula pembentangan. Kenapa? Saya pun tak pasti.

Syukur dapat bentang dengan baik dan rasanya berjaya jawab semua soalan dengan meyakinkan. Satu soalan yang agak menggugat ialah bagaimana nak promote laman ni kepada remaja, since ia dibina untuk semua remaja perempuan Muslim di luar sana. Ya, frankly, tak terfikir pun, memandangkan projek ni untuk tujuan designing short course for DE class, bukan betul-betul nak dipasarkan.

Saya masih lemah at the planning part. Planning memerlukan sebab musabab sesuatu perkara itu kita lakukan sebegitu, base on robust facts and emphirical studies. Saya sedar banyak keputusan yang saya ambil berdasarkan pengalaman dan emosi, sesuatu keadaan yang perlu dipertimbangkan dengan lebih mendalam pada hari mendatang.

Sebenarnya agak teruja menonton projek Lim. Gambar-gambar kek dan makanan yang berwarna-warni di saat perut berdendang lagu keroncong, adalah godaan yang sangat hebat (strawberi salut coklat- yum yum yum). Cuma sedikit sayang saya rasa, lamannya seperti tiada the important, critical part; learning moments (pinjam ayat Dr Tee). (wah seperti seronok ye ada orang sedikit tersilap dan hasil kerja sendiri seperti menepati piawaian. tak baik tahu, takde moral support kepada rakan sekelas! pergi minta maaf pada Lim, segera!!).

Ending kelas hari tu pun agak sedikit pelik sebab Dr Tee tidak bercakap banyak seperti selalu, dia tutup kelas PXGT6308 dengan video berkaitan Web 2.0 (saya akan merindui lecture beliau yang sangat-banyak-perkataan-Inggeris-yang-wah-wah-sebelum -ni-saya-tak-tahu-nak-guna).

Kelas Dr Tee adalah tough, banyak kerja dan banyak perlu baca tapi journey untuk sampai ke hujung semester itu adalah berbaloi; prior knowledge diperkukuh dan new information diintegrate dengan baik (kognitif cek yang berkesan terhadap diri saya).

Teruskan Cik Normie!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Activity 4: Reflection


BY: NORMIE BINTI SARIP PGC070015 820131-14-5810

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step – Lao Tzu.

We were told about this fourth activity since the first day, the day we had to read the seven pages of Dr Tee’s class Instructional Strategies for Distance Education pro forma. I was clueless, sincerely, mostly at the part of e-poster, never heard of it before. Considering that this project can be done in team of 2 to 3 persons, again, uneasy feeling arise. Well, I usually work in team with 3 other members, which there are four of us. After asking Dr Tee permission to work in 4, again, tension arises as the expected target result is getting higher. Therefore, to not jeopardizes our own future in this project, we decided to split to 2 group; me and Maryam while Kak Zamiah with Kak Wan Maswati.

The question with whom I will start this project resolved. Now we need to think about the interesting topic. I and Maryam decide to work with something interesting, easy to find material and within our expertise and limitation. For weeks we stuck, couldn’t find the topic we want. I started to observe everything around me, and finally it popped into my head; to overcome the problem regarding wearing hijab (tudung) among female students. My students wear hijab properly during lesson session in the morning but wear none during extracurricular session in the afternoon. I asked them why they did that and their answer really worrying me, so I took advantage by doing this topic to help them understand better why they have to wear hijab. So, I texted Maryam immediately and she agreed.

We started brainstorming the lesson objectives first, as it will guide us to do what after what. We sketched our idea on a paper, and then showed it to Dr Tee for approval. While writing the draft, we were very eager to put everything in our prototype. Everything was there, from the layout to the content. A bit haywire I guess, but after getting the feedback from Dr Tee and classmates, we tried to sort it out accordingly. We agreed to make it simple but informative.
I acted as the subject matter expert, and Maryam focused on the technological part. Lucky for us, both are teaching Islamic Education and facing the same problem. It helps us to write the objectives clearly and we know exactly want we want the content to be. I started surfing the internet for reliable sources and Maryam did the same thing, to get general idea of how our prototype will look like. I visited several distance education websites such as Harvard Business School, U21 Global, Wilmington University Sample Online Course and University of London, and somewhat I came with a conclusion that it is better to use LMS (Learning Management System) or CMS (Content Management System) to conduct an online course. When designing an online course, it is not the layout that important (graphics, font and colour and etc) but the way instructor synchronising the content, the assessment and the interaction between participants are the most crucial factors to consider.

We agreed to use Bergman and Moore the product model to help us producing this project. Why we use this model? We already familiar to it as we just finished our redesigning courseware project for multimedia class. We choose to work with PowerPoint because it was the easiest medium to use, considering the time constraint. As for launching the prototype to the internet, we tried Webs.Com but later we figure out that it is difficult for us to present the content like we want. Maryam wanted to explore the features offered there but cannot afford to do so, again, the time constraint. Alternatively, she print screen our original website and paste it to PowerPoint. That was our foremost strength, to work creatively with obstacles. So she started to produce our prototype by using background from the website. Sharing the same problem with other groups, Kak Wan suggested us to just save as the PowerPoint as web page (she suggested to us and demonstrate the steps on Chun’s prototype, during the first e-poster session).

Now, how far have we gone? We have the topic (Fesyen Bertudung), we listed out the learning objectives, we selected the target audience (secondary school Muslim teenage girls), the ID Model (Bergman and Moore) to guide us step by step, the medium for prototype (PowerPoint) and the medium to host our product on the website (PowerPoint save as web page).

How are we going to present the content? What type of assessment should we do? What type of activities should we include? How many information is enough for our new distance learner? How are we going to interact with our students? The questions keep coming in my head. To design a resourceful and reliable distance learning course is not an easy job; even the topic we choose was not complicated.

Since I surfed the internet, it was approximately 6,770,00 sites on bertudung only! I was cluttered with massive source of information; unsure what is the best and suitable for my audience. I asked Maryam for her opinion and she said that we should stick to the verse from Al-Quran Surah An-Nur verse 31. We worked the content from that verse, start the lesson by introducing the students to that verse. Later we designed activities which require them to understand the needs of that verse then extend it to everyday surrounding and finally wrap it up with activities that need judgemental respond. We tried to present the content as light as possible to attract and motivate our potential participants to go through the course and hopefully, success it with flying colour. We want them to understand the obligation of covering aurat with clear understanding, not just do it for the sake of school’s rules. We wish with this simple course to see the change of behaviour and mindset.

As for the content, I always seek for advices from my senior colleague, to make sure we construct the right lesson. As for the technical and technological part, Maryam did the most jobs. To get better understanding about e-poster, I surf the internet and found examples of it. What I found a bit different from what Dr Tee had told us but I get the general idea. While Maryam focused on our prototype, I started the e-poster. Again we worked hand in hand to make sure what I justify in e-poster are the same with what she compiled in prototype.

I and Maryam tried to communicate constantly via emels, sms and phone calling. We meet three times to speed up our work. The continuous coaching from Dr Tee really helps us to move forward (well, learn from the best I would say) while classmates’ opinions help us to solve several problems (learn with the best) (learning is social). The technological and technical part was our limitation. We imagined a very fancy website but we come out with something common.
As I stated earlier, a long journey starts with a single step. Thus, this project is my first step to understand what is all about distance education (learning in context). The process is not just putting everything in a website but we have to consider everything that we already discussed during presentation and discussion session (learning is reflective). This project helps me to make sense for everything I gain during this semester (learning is active). Without proper planning this project won’t complete. I admit there still many rooms for improvement but we did our best.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

12 April 09: The Final Entry

Saya adalah seorang Blogger. Ya, seorang Blogger. Bermula dengan blog di Friendster, saya gemar membaca blog sebagai escapism kerana tidek punya masa dan peruntukan kewangan untuk membaca buku-buku yang saya suka, menulis blog kerana di sini tiada siapa boleh menghalang apa yang saya ingin rasa.

Berblog untuk pendidikan? Untuk kursus PXGT6308 ini barulah saya berblog atas dasar akademik secara aktif. Sebelum ini lebih kepada memperjelas narsisis diri sendiri, penuh emosi dan drama; kurang intelek dan ilmiah.

What are 2 or 3 most meaningful things you have learned in this class?

  1. Sebagai pelajar, feedback daripada guru adalah sangat penting. Mengetahui untuk setiap tugasan yang dihasilkan sememangnya diambil peduli oleh guru, membuatkan pelajar lebih bermotivasi untuk menghasilkan kerja yang bagus dan berkualiti. Tambahan pula sebagai DE learners, instructor feedback is very crucial to maintain the motivation, to feel belong to a group and not isolated.
  2. Reflection helps to cultivate active learning. You never realized that you already learn something untill you try to recall it, relate it to your daily life, prior experiences and recent activities you encounter.
  3. It's no harm to lend your ears to others. Hear what they have to say, respond it with better understanding and share your thougths in good manner. Tiada masalah untuk memberikan pendapat yang bernas, kritikan membina. Keinginan untuk menjaga hati dan tidak mahu kawan-kawan terasa jika kita membetulkan kesalahan mereka hanya akan menjatuhkan mereka di hari kemudian (oh ini masih lagi berkaitan dengan edit-mengedit di wiki, sesuatu yang seharusnya kita lakukan dengan profesional).
  4. Teknologi berkembang terlalu pantas. Satu-satunya cara untuk tidak ketinggalan adalah dengan sentiasa berkongsi maklumat dengan kawan-kawan. Teknologi dicipta untuk memudahkan kehidupan kita, membantu kita menghasilkan strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang lebih baik.
  5. Pendidikan jarak jauh adalah rumit jika tidak punya ilmu untuk mengendalikannya. Juga, untuk menghasilkan kursus pendidikan jarak jauh, lebih baik dilakukan dalam kumpulan yang punya pelbagai kemahiran dan dirancang dengan sehabis baik.

What will you do with the knowledge that you have cultivated from this class?

  1. Never too shy to seek for help and guidance if cannot understand something or do not know how to do something. Always talk to the lecturer, ask for his/her opinion and always share the knowledge with others.
  2. I have better understanding on how to implement Taxsonomy Bloom in my lesson plan. I do need to care more about my students need to ensure the learning process benefits them, more than benefits me.
  3. From the planning part; now I realize what aspects should I concern when developing a course or a lesson. The reflection helps me to indicate the weaknesses and strength of my works.

I learnt a lot, and I'm proud of myself of taking this tough course (hope to finish it with flying colours). Dr Tee, thank you for having me in this class, thank you for sharing the knowledge. To all my friends, thank you for all the support (whether u realize it or not).

The final words, thank you very much ;)

Kempen E-poster

Hari ini kelas sedikit huru-hara (?) kerana individu dan kumpulan yang terlibat untuk pembentangan sibuk set-up persembahan mereka.

Yang tidak membentang pula, mengambil kesempatan meninjau dari 1 e-poster ke e-poster yang lain, dengan harapan dapat melihat sendiri bagaimana tugasan ini patut disempurnakan.

Setiap kursus yang dirangka berbeza konteks dan sasaran pengguna. Platformnnya tetap sama. iaitu menggunakan kuasa internet untuk mengaplikasi pendidikan jarak jauh.

Gementar bukan saja pada pembentang, pemerhati juga rasa kecut perut dan bimbang. Setiap komen, pendapat dan cadangan dilihat dari sudut positif, dinilai semula bagi memperkemas persembahan terakhir projek besar ini.

Saya membuat rumusan sendiri; seperti yang telah dijelaskan oleh Dr Tee dalam kelas yang lalu, setiap dari kita punya PLT masing-masing. Sedar tak sedar, kita cuba memberi pendapat kepada rakan lain dengan merasakan apa yang kita akan buat jika kita di tempat mereka. Kita mahu projek mereka sama macam projek kita ;) well, at least!

Sekali lagi, semangat agree to disagree dan agree to agree dapat diperhatikan. Saling membantu untuk memastikan semua orang mendapat pengalaman terbaik dari kursus ini.

Gosh!! Adakah saya bersedia untuk dikritik minggu depan?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

2 April 09: no April fool

Words and words and words more from Dr Tee.... this is one of the most important session; the reflection session.

Pada mulanya saya ok, boleh lagi dengar apa yang Dr nak rumuskan. Terasa malu sendiri sebab pencapaian dan sumbangan dalam wiki rasanya tak setanding dengan apa yang Dr gariskan sebagai objektif. Saya melihat itu sebagai mudah, tak sangka pula ada agenda yang lebih besar disebaliknya.

Untuk menghabiskan 2 jam baki kelas pada hari itu, amatlah saya memerah otak (mungkin dah rasa down selepas mendengar kesimpulan Dr pada bahagian awal kelas). Saya dah surrender dah bila kelas tamat. Saya rasa saya tak dapat semua yang Dr cuba sampaikan.

Sabtu saya berjumpa dengan Maryam, untuk menyelesaikan projek kami. Maryam tanya apa yang disampaikan pada kelas lepas, dan saya seperti menghela nafas, menarik nota saya perlahan-lahan, dan bermula....

  • PTL- personal learning theory

setiap 16 orang ahli kursus ini ada teori pembelajaran masing-masing, yang menyebabkan wiki pertama tu tak berapa berjaya. Wiki ke-2 yang dimulakan dengan video (ia sebagai common point untuk semua orang) yang lebih terarah dan terbimbing nampaknya lebih baik dalam menugmpulkan idea kami.

  • Active learning

active learning bukan bermaksud aktif secara fizikal. Active learning berlaku apabila pelajar dapat membuat kaitan / connection dengan apa yang mereka tahu / telah belajar / prior knowledge sebelum ini. Ohhh selama ini pemahaman saya salah. Saya beranggapan active learning berlaku apabila pelajar secara aktif terlibat dengan aktiviti yang dianjurkan guru. Serius!! Entah bagaimana saya boleh tak perasan kesalahan pemahaman saya itu ;(

  • cognitive check

one minute session ynag boleh membantu guru make sure pelajar dapat apa yang mereka intend to dapat. Saya suka juga buat cognitive check dalam kelas, tanya pelajar out of sudden soalan-soalan berkaitan dengan apa yang dibincangkan.

  • CARS learning principles by Driscoll
  1. in CONTEXT- pembelajaran berlaku dalam keadaan sebenar
  2. is ACTIVE- making connection to prior knowledge (bukan aktif terkinja-kinja dalam kelas ye kawan-kawan)
  3. is REFLECTIVE- think back what have u done, evaluate it, critic your own works, how to improve it, what is good, what is not
  4. is SOCIAL- learn from everyone around u- teachers, peers, folks, authorities people etc

hmmmm kira banyak juga la yang saya dapat malam tu. Tidaklah mendukacitakan sangat.

Oh sangat takut nak menghadapi peperiksaan!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Reflection on wiki

Reflection on Wiki: How People Learn?
By: NORMIE BINTI SARIP PGC070015 820131-14-5810

How people learn? A very simple question which consist numerous answers from different angle and view. People learn by nature and also by nurture. We transfer knowledge day by day, and try to make sense of it. I would say that from the life itself, people do learn, formal or informal. Whether by attending schools or join the religious preach or take the night class or enrol a short course. From infants, we learn by observing others, we learn by doing things. Back to my school days, technologies were zero, null. I learned traditionally, in face to face environment where teachers were EVERYTHING, the centre of attraction, the source of information. I learned mostly by rote learning, drill and practice. Never in my mind that one day people can learn from a distance. Never in my mind that one day students actually have the power to their knowledge and teachers only act as instructor. Obviously, the changes and the enhancements of learning and teaching occurs base on how people learn. We learn how to learn.
What was the quality of my contribution to the wiki?

Frankly, I would say that I can do better and contribute more if I manage to spend more time on it. The first wiki, for me, required too much effort because basically we have to start from scratch. At first I thought that it is only me who cannot understand clearly the instruction given. Therefore, I merely share my thoughts and findings. After the Q&A session with Dr Tee, it surprised every one of us that even the English teacher cannot really understand his instruction. Then Dr Tee came out with new version of wiki, which provided more scaffolding and structured. Here where I started to actively contributing to this wiki, involving the discussion and jotting down my observation. The step by step activities help me to focus on my readings and searching.
How could I improve the quality of the content?

As an individual, I should urge myself to read more robust article, to ask myself more deeply questions, and to be dare enough to take charge when things go slow without progress. I do look up to Mee Lee Chun, because for me her thinking is very analytical. Again, my most problems were the time needed to do above list, as I competing priorities of home, work and school. As a team member, I do agree with Kak Hana’s suggestion that this project should be done by smaller group. Sure, two heads are better than one but sometimes too many cooks spoil the broth. When working in large group, I tend to think that others will start first, others will shape this wiki, and others will take action. I tend to wait and see.

What did I learn from this activity?

Surprisingly, I learn the nature of distance education (as the learner). I feel the alienation, isolation, the frustration and insecurities about learning. The lack of direct feedback and contact with the instructor during the construction of the first wiki, make me feel lost. I learn to learn to master and own the knowledge, and not to depend on the instructor (even me myself are trying to change my mindset from teacher-centred to student-centred way of learning). It is not easy to communicate with other members without meeting face to face, to chunk one big topic accordingly. Therefore, I cannot miss a thing, I must read all the entry posted. Unfortunately, the feedback was nothing to answer how people learn. I regretted that I did not take the opportunity to be the first one to post an entry related to the sub-topic outlined. I learn that I did not play my part as I should. I learn that even the smallest contribution means something to trigger the thinking (like agreeing to Kak Hana’s topic outline).
Last but not least, to all members of PXGT6308 and Dr Tee Meng Yew, thank you for sharing the information and the hundreds years of experience.