Monday, January 26, 2009

3rd: DE

salam and hi everyone :)

How to go to Istana Kayangan?

Hmmm... what do u think? Heheheheh.... Dr Tee started today's class with that question, and we all were like crazy to answer it, with all our best (and now i understand how to roleplay).

The point is where to start and how to start. Being clueless (even in the 3rd semester) is not exceptional anymore. We have to move people! Read! Disscuss! Research!

And how distance education help? As i see, to construct distance education we have to plan properly, hope for the best and ready for the worse. We discuss (more on listening to Dr Tee's explanation and lots of oh! ha!) the ADDIE model, the 1st model i learnt from Prof Maznah on her ID Model class. fewhhh, eventhough it is like doing revision, have prior knowledge about it, but still i manage to understand well about ADDIE this time.

and the peribahasa which is sesuai untuk model ADDIE ini ialah: berakit-rekit ke hulu, berenang-renang kemudian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.

The ongoing process of evaluation, on the way of designing useable, informational and helpfil DE: secretly show us that DE is serious business, and again, need proper planning. And foremost, teachind and learning are serious business.

The important thing also, as i realized, how to satisfied our main stakeholders: the learners. Since DE lack of emotional interaction, those needs also have to be cater.

And how to apply it in DE? Proper planning, i conclude. Lots of information need to be conduct in order, sequencely, one by one, as simple as possible.

And also i would like to remind myself: OWN THE KNOWLEDGE, then u will MASTER it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Backdated: 2nd DE

Jan 15, 2009

hehehehe... untuk kelas ke-2 ni kami telah dipesan Dr Tee agar membaca 3 bab pertama buku teks DE tu. Frankly, dapat baca 2 bab sahaja, dengan segala susah payah dan usaha (masuk bakul angkat sendiri ni).

Saya kagum la, saya baca perkara yang SAMA dengan Dr Tee tapi saya tak dapat buat ringkasan macam yang Dr buat. Wah, rasa tercabar! Rasa seperti tidak bermakna pembacaan saya. Still, saya mampu join perbincangan hari ni.

Oh ya, Dr ingat nama saya :)

Banyak nak kena baca semester ni. DE ni pun simple rasanya tapi kalau tak membaca, mana nak dapat isinya.

then kami diminta memilih tajuk untuk pembentangan selepas raya cina nanti.

heheheheh...... cuti tapi tak cuti la nampaknya :P

Adios, jumpa lagi nanti...

Backdated: 1st class Distance Education

Jan 8, 2009

Today is very hectic, i was rushing from school meeting to UM, to attend first class of this semester.

On Dr Tee class, we were exposed about Distance Education.

Oh agak menakutkan apabila melihat (belum baca lagi tu) proforma Dr Tee yang setebal 7 muka surat (ke lebih ye?)

10 minit selepas sesi mendaftar di Adec, Dr terpaksa meredakan ketakutan kami (awal-awal lag mindset dah kata susah le subjek ni).

Banyak juga isi pengajaran Dr petang ni, antara lain mendifinasikan ciri-ciri keadaan yang membolehkan DE berlaku.

Satu perkara besar yang saya belajar dari Dr; sebagai educators, semua perkara yang kita lakukan perlu ada sokongan kajian empirikal, supaya apa yang kita cakap adalah benar dan bersesuaian.

Adios, jumpa lagi nanti ;)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Saya Ada Klasss!

selamat datang dan salam kepada pengunjung blog.

tujuan penubuhan blog ini adalah untuk merakamkan peristiwa pahit maung kehidupan saya semasa berstatus pelajar.

ya kawan-kawan, saya ada klasss :)