Monday, August 31, 2009

Unpack 2: Learning, Teaching and Scholarship in a Digital Age

Membaca artikel ini ibarat saya pergi ke suatu tempat baru yang pernah dengar, tapi tak pernah sampai. Banyak perkara/site baru yang 'diterokai' melalui pembacaan artikel ini, antaranya;

- website untuk membantu RESEARCHER mengumpul, mengorganisasi dan men-cite bahan-bahan bacaan/rujukan yang diperolehi - penulisan bibliografi menjadi lebih mudah dengannya ;)
  1. Zotero
  2. EndNote
  3. Connotea
- website yang mempromosi jaringan sosial yang lebih besar:

  1. Facebook (oh ini tidak perlu diperkenalkan lagi, anda pun seorang daripadanya kan..)
  2. LinkedIn (macam Facebook tapi yang ini mementingkan education background- boleh juga dijadikan sebagai platform untuk resume, saya dah join!)
  3. Ning (Kak Mimah melaksanakan projek PhDnya menggunakan Ning, dia kata ia ibarat Facebook + blog ke hapa ke. Menarik juga untuk dieksplorasi).
  4. Elgg -a powerful social engine-site ni lah kata
  5. Second Life -memvirtualkan kehidupan/ company anda. Berkongsi training dan social networking melaluinya. Anda boleh menjadi sesiapa sahaja di kawasan kehidupan ke-2 ini.
Artikel ini secara umumnya memberitahu kepada saya bahawa sangat banyak kemudahan on-line yang boleh membantu pengkaji menyelesaikan tugasannya. Ia juga memberikan idea lapangan-lapangan yang berkaitan pendidikan dan on-line untuk diterokai secara robust dan punya kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi (ruangan untuk kajian kualitatif ataupun kuantitatif).

Artikel ini pada bahagian awaknya pula mendedahkan kepda kita bahawa pelajar generasi baru sangat perlukan perubahan dalam cara guru mempersembahkan T&L/P&P yang lebih berorientasikan internet. Remaja kini menggunakan internet lebih banyak masa berbanding kita dahulu (masa zaman belajar).

Antara keyword yang perlu difahami:

  1. digital disconnect - keadaan yang mana teachers had not yet shifted their teaching to respond to the new ways students communicate and use the web beyond classrooms
  2. today's CLASSROOM - should support formal education (yang berlangsung di dalam kelas) and informal education (yang berlangsung secara tidak langsung tapi masih berstruktur di luar kelas/sekolah- tentunya yang berlaku di internet/dunia virtual. Perlu disedari bahawa pelajar turut membincangkan pelajaran dalam masa mereka menggunakan internet). Satu soalan, adakah pelajar di Malaysia juga termasuk dalam pelajar yang dimaksudkan dalam artikel ini? Benarkah pelajar di negara kita juga terdedah dengan kemudahan internet seperti pelajar yang dimaksudkan dalam artikel ini?
  3. cognitive tools (diperkenalkan oleh Encik Jonassen-sila google tentang beliau dan cognitive tools) that share the cognitive burden of accomplishing tasks.
  4. online identities - dynamic and shifting constructions and presentations of self
  5. digital citizenship skills - prepare online users to practice safe and responsible use of technologyand exhibit a positive attitude toward technology use
  6. digital literacy - knowing how and when to use which technologies and knowing which forms and functionare most appropriate for one's purposes (point 5 & 6 mempromosi bahawa dengan skill yang ada pengguna internet seharusnya lebih bertanggungjawab dalam menggunakan/remix resources yang ada di internet - untuk mengelak salah laku, plagiarisme dsb).
  7. cloud computing - ini betul baru dengar. Mari baca lagi di sini.
  8. social operating system - the emphasis on data and information is equal to or replaced by an emphasis on creating, developing and sustaining human relationship (pun belum faham sangat, mari baca ini).
Oh sebelum saya terlupa, menurut artikel ini, pelajar/ pengguna internet sekarang bukan hanyabrowse, read and obtained information (Web 1.0) tapi pengguna internet kina boleh buat macam-macam (read and write- participate, collaborate and distribute information), bukan sekadar user sahaja, tetapi boleh bertindak sebagai producer.

Dan sebagai peringatan kepada diri sendiri, sila baca Horizon Report 2008 dan 2009 itu. Ia amat berguna.

p/s: Prof RM dan Kak Tipah; jangan upset lagi ya :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Unpack 1: Reflection on Presentation (best-ever): Constructivism

Reflection on Teaching and Learning with the Internet: A Constructivist View

This presentation was presented by Normie Sarip and Maryam Abdul Rahman on August 6, 2009. To deliver this topic, we choose an article entitle A Constructivist Model for Thinking About Learning Online by Karen Swan from Research Centre for Educational Technology, Kent State University. Personally, I felt relieved to be able to deliver such topic with all my best and this was one of our best presentations in fully English (referring to good review from our fellow classmates- thank you very much).

What are the key learning points from the whole activity?
First of all, we should aware that constructivism is a theory of learning, not of instruction. However, constructivist theory can inform pedagogy and instruction. Therefore, the base of this theory or practice is students do most of the work; especially the thinking part. Teacher’s role is as the facilitator and the one who needs to create and prepare learning environment. Constructivism also promotes social interaction in education ecology- students with students, students with teachers, students with technology and students with community. Students construct their own knowledge from their experience and interactions with others. The knowledge construction happens again and again through their entire life because they are making sense of what they already knew with new information they gain. Best belief that this will help them to store information meaningfully and later can retrieve it easily, as they can connect each of the information usefully. Plus, they can use their knowledge to solve difficult and more complex problems.

Important to teachers to trust their students and let them explore the possibilities with constant guidance. Teachers also are recommended to remediate students’ understanding to make sure everybody are on the same page, and to make sure students learn what they intend to learn. In my opinion, constructivism suite the online learning or web-based learning environment because it give the freedom for students to click and click for more information, to socialize with worldwide learning community and independently construct their own knowledge. WebQuest is one of the best-practice ways to deliver constructivism instruction. The general overview of WebQuest must consist of introduction, task, process, evaluation, conclusion and credits. This guide will help teachers to innovatively create learning platform that suite their students ability, and intrinsically guide their students.

How can I apply it in my own teaching and learning?

Frankly after reading the article and surf the related website, I was convinced that nowadays students can do much more than what we teachers expect. They are more advance in using latest technologies and we as teachers should not underestimate their capabilities. Also, technologies will help teachers to enhance teaching and learning process as long as the teachers are equip enough with require knowledge of technology and master the content. I would like to start applying constructivist theory by giving my students spaces for own knowledge searching and less the spoon feeding of information. I am considering using WebQuest to deliver certain topics. I also would like to encourage my students to keep on learning, not just to pass the examinations.

Are there opportunities for further research?

Yes there are. First, to find out whether WebQuest is suitable to be use in our education system (most people said we are very exam-oriented, WebQuest is just too much of time to spend with). Second, to find out is WebQuest suitable for underperforming students. Thirdly, what subjects or topics that suite enough to deliver by using WebQuest. For us WebQuest is new but out there, in online world, WebQuest is ancient.
I would like to conclude by quoting Confucious’s: Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.
Thank you.
Swan, K. (2005). A constructivist model for thinking about learning online. In J. Bourne & J. C. Moore (Eds),
Elements of Quality Online Education: Engaging Communities. Needham, MA: Sloan-C.

Valerie Dong Olson, Instruction Of Competent Psychomotor Skill. Seton Hall University, USA

Concept to Classroom:

Using WebQuest for Constructivist Learning:
p/s: pembentangan dalam 99% English yang lebih terancang, fokus dan best :) personal improvement and achievement sebab last sem nye presentation kelas Dr Tee adalah tak menjadi sangat.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To cure?


Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Kelas Prof 14.8.09

Saya masuk lewat, maaf. Tergendala di balai polis, menyelesaikan report kerana BHW saya dilanggar dari belakang ;(

Masuk-masuk, pembentangan tentang tugasan lalu oleh salah seorang pelajar PhD. Saya masih tak dapat tangkap topik perbincangan, jadi saya skip refleksi untuk itu.

Bahagian ke-2, TPCK. Betul, dah download bahan bacaan yang prof letak, tapi belum sempat baca. Balik rumah terus capai sebab rasa tercabar yang pelajar undergrad pfro siap leh reflek pasal TPCK, yang kita ni baca pun dak lagi ;P

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: bila dah baca baru faham: untuk research, yang perlu diambil kira samada technology part, pedagogi atau konten.

Apa-apa pun, teknologi hanyalah alat untuk membangunkan T&L / P&P yang lebih berkesan dan lebih up to date. Perlu apa up to date dalam P&P? silibus kurang lebih sama dengan zaman kita sekolah rendah. Cara mengajar lebih kurang sama macam kita dulu sekolah (tak dinafikan, dalam kepesatan perkembangan ICT di negara kita, kebanyakan dari kita masih gemar kaedah talk and chalk: the most common way to deliver information). Maka, pengetahuan tentang teknologi membantu guru menggunakan bahan bantu mengajar yang lebih, sistem sokongan yang lebih mantap (untuk menyalurkan feedback yang perlu) dan jaringan komunikasi sosial yang lebih menyeluruh.

Pedagogi melalui pemahaman saya masih dikuasai domain utama seperti cara behavioris, konstruktivis dan kognitivis (dan lain-lain)- teknik mengajar yang boleh digunakan masih lagi sama seperti lecture, discussion, drill ant practice, mastery learning dan yang baru seperti PBL. Maka apa pentingnya pedagogi ini seolah-olah di-revise semula sesuai dengan kemudahan teknologi terkini? Jawapannya, walaupum method of information delivery seperti seakan sama, namun cara pemikiran pelajar sekarang tidak lagi sama. Kita mungkin menghafal (dulu-dulu) dengan mengulang perkataan/ ayat banyak kali. Pelajar sekarang hany cuma perllu menggunakan ipod atau handphone mereka.

Konten/ isi kandungan. Ada baiknya perkara-perkara abstrak diterangkan kepada pelajar dengan bantun teknologi seperti simulasi dan educational games. Tidak semua isi kandungan boleh diteknologikan namun terdapat pelbagai teknologi yang boleh menyampaikan konten.

(apa tah yang saya rapikkan ini. gara-gara baca tak abis tapi nak wat entry)

Nanti saya sambung. Rumusan belum terjelma di minda.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Assignment 1 RIT

Saya tak sangka!

Ya, itu adalah reaksi pertama apabila melihat pembentangan Puan Zaihasriza. Sangat teliti dan kritikal. Sangat banyak perkataan dan disokong dapatan yang bukan calang-calang. Saya punya? Mengkritik secara umum sahaja (tapi kertas projek yang saya pilih adalah ok!).

Ini yang dikatakan teguran membina, bukan saja-saja menghentam hasil kerja orang lain. Saya tidak sekritikal itu kerana saya berasa ‘senang’ dengan kertas projek yang saya pilih. Mengkritik tanpa mengenali pengkaji mungkin lebih mudah kerana tiada sentimen kasihan (?).

Perasaan ‘senang’ itu mungkin kerana semasa sesi kelas yang lalu, penilaian terhadap Tugasan 3 seorang kawan itu sangat memeningkan. Dari tajuknya sahaja sudah menimbulkan persoalan. Bila diteliti bersama Ros dan Maryam, ternyata ada beberapa kepincangan dalam hasil tugasan itu.

Semasa membelek kertas projek yang saya pilih untuk dikritik itu, saya dapati ianya mudah difahami dan sesuai dengan perkembangan dunia pendidikan semasa. Dengan bacaan lanjut, ternyata ia tidak mengecewakan.

Apa yang pasti, menghasilkan kertas projek untuk semester akhir bukan mudah. Pembacaan perlu banyak dan merangkumi banyak aspek berkaitan. Kurang maklumat/bahan bacaan akan terkesan pada hasil kerja nanti.

Semangat berkongsi juga adalah penting. Kadang-kadang bila meng-google di internet, kita tak jumpa apa yang kita mahu, namun apalah salahnya save maklumat itu dan kongsi dengan yang lain, ada juga gunanya.

Seperti pembentangan oleh Ros, barulah saya tahu ada program yang boleh digunakan untuk menganalisis data berbentuk kualitatif. Saya mahu juga mencuba kajian jenis ini tetapi saya rasa saya tak punya The 6 Sense (bak kata Dr Loh) untuk menganalisis perbualan yang direkodkan.

Oh tajuk!!! Saya masih belum punya tajuk. Entah macam mana nak mula Tugasan 2 kalau tajuk pun belum ada.

Usaha usaha usaha!!!