Sunday, March 29, 2009

Speculate: Technology for the next 5000 days

The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding.

The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it.

On Teaching by Kahlil Gibran
I enjoyed Kak Mie and Kak Wan presentation. Is that because they are my great teammates or what? Heheheh... no lah. I'm just sooooo into technology!
But things which makes me dissapointed, the real situation in our school (or maybe in MY school only):
  1. do not ask about the technology, the PC that supplied by the government is not enough to cater students of a classroom. How can we implement the use of technology if in the F2F synchonous environment pun, we are not able to do so (because of the lack of tools)?
  2. internet. We do know that internet, the world wide web, offers us numerous resources to be used in our classroom. The question is, how many of teachers know the existance of wikis, blogs, Facebook, MySpace, web 2.0 and etc.? Even one time I asked my colleague her emel address, she don't have any!

We want to use the technology, but do we aware of it existance?

Pada pendapat saya, di negara kita pendedahan (baru pendedahan, belum penggunaan!) masih lagi baru dan terhad. Kita masih jauh ketinggalan dari segala jenis teknologi yang telah ada laman maya. Di sekolah saya sendiri, penggunaan PowerPoint dalam p&p sudah dianggap sangat hebat dan lain dari yang lain.

Saya tak dapat membuat spekulasi akan teknologi akan datang. Saya masih lagi teraba-raba hendak menggunakan teknologi yang ada sekarang ;( Saya rasa banyak yang perlu dilakukan oleh pelbagai pihak untuk memungkinkan teknologi benar-benar berada di hujung jari, bukan sekadar retorik kosong yang sedap didengar tetapi tidak terlaksanakan.

Maaf, saya sedikit emosi menulis entry ini kerana saya merasa sedikit tertekan dengan tekanan dan halangan yang ada di sekolah. Kadang-kadang beban tugas yang entah apa-apa mengurangkan masa guru untuk explore dan menggunakan teknologi yang ada. Buktinya, LCD yang terpasang di setiap kelas di sekolah saya (contoh), berhabuk tidak digunakan. Banyak sebab yang menyumbang kepada keadaan ini, saya pasti, tapi saya tidak bercadang mengupasnya.

Saya menggemari teknologi dan saya berharap satu hari nanti pendidikan di negara kita benar-benar disokong oleh teknologi.


  1. Normie, thanks for sharing from your heart.

    In all fairness, were are making progress albeir a little too slowly.

    Technology will continue to advance at a heady pace. It is hard for any school system to keep up. What can teachers (such as you) do in our current setup?

    I heard a talk a few weeks ago that may lend us a clue. It went something like this: "It is not about having resource. It is about being resourceFUL."

    One example that comes to mind: A teacher in a South American country (I can't remember which), decided to collect old and mo-more-in-use palm pilots and PCs and used it to teach his class on education & technology. The main activity in his class: repair the PC and palms, and lets see how we can use it. I WOULD LIKE TO BE IN HIS CLASS!

    I guess the question is: what can YOU do with what YOU currently have?

  2. "It is not about having resource. It is about being resourceFUL."

    Goshh Dr! seperti tersentak sedikit jantung saya...

    sebab pernah seseorang pesan pada saya: jangan tanya apa yang sekolah buat untuk kamu, tapi tanya apa yang kamu buat untuk sekolah.

    Ya, ketika entry itu ditulis, judgement saya dibayangi emosi.

    I'll make myself resourceFUL :) thanks.


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