Monday, March 9, 2009

The New Wiki

What do u think of the new ‘how people learn’ wiki?

After browsing it, I found it very interesting in the way of presentation. Now Dr Tee is talking English J. Still minimal guidance but the questions help me to get into it. The videos are very helping to trigger the mood of active learning.

What helps u learn?

Essential materials in the new wiki help me learn. The guided activities channel my thinking to exact objectives, so that I know what am I suppose to do. I’m not an alien anymore (that’s what I feel).

What gets in the way of your learning?

The time needed to wait the buffering, while time waits for no man. But it’s ok and manageable.


  1. Thanks for the feedback. Perhaps we can discuss further during class — more ideas on how this/other online modules can be improved before the actual development phase.

    By the way, did you access the site using a broadband connection?

  2. I access the site using streamyx Dr.


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